Star Adsense Live TV 1.2
STARADSENSE LIVE TV : News,Entertainment,Business andConsumer television channel on online internet platforms. Itis completely turnkey solution for video and audio contentdelivery network. STARADSENSE LIVE TV has become thechoice of the hindi speaking affluent masse, smallbusinessman, entrepreneurs, and a cross section of peoplewith varied information needs. STARADSENSE LIVE TV isfast becoming the single authoritative source for makinginformed decisions on investing, saving purchasing andcareer choices.The Indian consumers today rule the economy, drivingexponential growth across sector. The consumer revolution isunderway, so that we are most focused on MSMEs,entrepreneur and consumer. STARADSENSE LIVE TV is notonly the voice of the Indian consumer but also the single,authoritative source for making intelligent, informeddecisions about business and career choice. STARADSENSELIVE TV hosts an impressive array of shows spanningpersonal finance, Markets, Small Business, Consumer Issues,Health, Education, Shopping, Entertainment, Infotainmentand more, led by the most impressive team in businessjournalism as well as media moguls. STARADSENSE LIVE TVhas the potential to cut across socio-economic categoriesallover India. It’s no wonder that STARADSENSE LIVE TV isalready the fastest growing business and consumer channelin the country.